понедельник, 4 сентября 2017 г.

Boot and Shoe Drying Racks

Wooden racks for drying boots and shoes.
  • .*
    TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

Tools & Materials

Items may be Special Order in some stores. Product costs, availability, and item numbers may vary online or by market. Paint colors may vary slightly from those shown. Availability varies by market for lumber species and sizes.


Step 3

Place the board on a piece of scrap and use a square to help guide a 1-inch bit as you drill at each location. Sand each board smooth and to remove any sharp edges at the ends.

Good to Know

Use a drill press for the best results. Basic tabletop models are available for less than $130.

Original article and pictures take http://www.lowes.com/creative-ideas/woodworking-and-crafts/boot-and-shoe-drying-racks/project?crlt.pid=camp.T8uPLbem6pEa site

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