понедельник, 15 января 2018 г.

Cube Stack X-Style Stackable Wine Rack

Cube Stack X-Style Stackable Wine Rack

Stand alone or stack with the Cube Stack X-Style Wine Rack and Wine Glass Rack for flexible storage. Perfect on a countertop. Easy to assemble. No hardware required to stack, but should be secured to the wall if 3 or more are stacked high.

Walnut stained Mahogany wood.

*Bottle capacities are when storing standard Bordeaux 750mL bottles.

Original article and pictures take http://www.winevine-imports.com/cube-stack-x-style-wine-rack/?gdffi=7f7ac2b082a342189bb92c64b0500d25&gdfms=7B738BECFFB44F699EC85674654E339C&gclid=Cj0KEQiAh4fEBRCZhriIjLfArrQBEiQArzzDAbwBOxZGhEtL7re_JSwBzIXBhYS4l3LqD_J5heOcNcUaAtaS8P8HAQ/ site

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